Cervical screening - Further Help and Support

Further help and support
Cervical screening

You may need more help and support with cervical screening for many reasons.

Support from the Cervical Screening Programme

For more information about being invited for cervical screening, getting your results and opting out, you can contact the Public Health England (PHE) screening helpdesk by:

Support for everyone

For more information and support about going for cervical screening, results and treatment, you can contact Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust by:

Support for people with a learning disability

Visit Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust for:

Support for LGBT people

Support for people with vulval pain

Support after sexual violence

If you have experienced sexual violence, you may find the idea of cervical screening very difficult.
My Body Back gives support after sexual violence by running:
Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust has information, advice and support about cervical screening after sexual violence.

Cervical screening support after sexual violence