Labyrinthitis - Treatment


Labyrinthitis is usually treated using a combination of self-help techniques and medication.
Vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) may be recommended to treat long-term (chronic) labyrinthitis.


Drink plenty of liquid, particularly water, little and often to avoid becoming dehydrated.
In the early stages of labyrinthitis you may feel constantly dizzy and have severe vertigo.
You should rest in bed to avoid falling and injuring yourself. Your symptoms should improve after a few days and you should not feel dizzy all the time.
To minimise any remaining feelings of dizziness and vertigo:
  • lie still in a comfortable position during an attack – on your side is often best
  • avoid alcohol
  • avoid bright lights
  • try to cut out noise and anything that causes stress from your surroundings
You should also avoid driving, using tools and machinery, or working at heights if you're feeling dizzy and unbalanced.


Your GP may prescribe medication if your symptoms are severe.
This could include:
  • medication to help reduce dizziness (vestibular suppressants)
  • medication to stop you feeling sick (an antiemetic)
  • antibiotics – if labyrinthitis is thought to be caused by a bacterial infection
Check the patient information leaflet that comes with your medication for a full list of possible side effects.

When to get further medical advice

Contact your GP if you develop additional symptoms that suggest your condition may be getting worse, such as:
  • mental confusion
  • slurred speech
  • double vision 
  • weakness or numbness in any part of your body
  • a change in the way you usually walk
You may need to be admitted to hospital for further assessment and treatment.
Also contact your GP if your symptoms do not improve after 3 weeks. You may need to be referred to an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist.

Chronic labyrinthitis

A small number of people experience dizziness and vertigo for months or even years. This is sometimes known as chronic labyrinthitis. 
The symptoms are not usually as severe as when you first get the condition, but even mild dizziness can have an impact on your quality of life and daily activities.

Vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT)

Vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) can help people with chronic labyrinthitis.
VRT uses exercises to help retrain your brain and nervous system to compensate for the abnormal signals coming from the vestibular system.
It's usually carried out under the supervision of a specially trained physiotherapist, who will use a range of exercises to:
  • co-ordinate your hand and eye movements
  • stimulate sensations of dizziness so your brain gets used to the disruptive signals sent by the vestibular system and starts to ignore them
  • improve your balance and walking ability
  • improve your strength and fitness
The Brain and Spine Foundation has more information about vestibular rehabilitation on its website.